Saturday, December 25, 2010

The pathology of social networking

“Catfish” is an impeccable piece of work, especially considering that it is purely documentary and from what I understand in no sense fictional. Something which I did not know when I started watching it. The narrative of the film, the portrayal of the characters and the building of tension through actual interaction are incomparable to any documentary I have ever watched. In fact all the twists and turns seem so perfectly timed and engaging that I thought it was a faux documentary I was watching! But as the story unfolded I realised that this was one purely accidental, but nonetheless brilliant, take on the pathology of social networking. “Catfish” is creepy, funny and tragic in a very natural but cinematically unconventional way. Having you relating to the emotions that are evoked throughout the film and the message that is conveyed at its surprising end. I highly recommended this to anyone who is spending time socialising online. Of the two facebook movies out this year, this is the one to watch!