Monday, February 08, 2010

Wash away your sins in the sanua!

Can the Finns make horror movies? Well last year we saw that the Swedes can make great vampire movies, so anything is possible. I’ve just watched “Sauna“. You might know that the people of the Nordic countries, Finland in particular, love their wildlife saunas. Especially during the winter time when they step out of it just to take a dip in a frozen lakes, before they get back in for a sip of vodka! Its a cultural thing and when a movie from Finland is titled “Sauna” you can’t really take it seriously, let alone as a horror movie!

This movie however surprisingly works! Very well as a matter of fact. It is not the American type of horror movie, with a lot of noise and gore, but rather in the European less-is-more style. Much like “Let The Right One In” and “Antichrist”, which means less action and more suggestion. By suggestively creating a creepy atmosphere and ambiance it crawls under the skin of the viewer and evokes subliminal associations while creating a sense of discomfort and fear! With a lot of help from the great acting, a good story and gorgeous photography, of course. Give “Sauna” a try if you are into this kind of horror. For some strange reason is the entire movie on youtube and has not been removed!?! Unfortunately it doesn’t feature English subtitles, but watch the opening minutes and you get a feeling. Warning for graphic content!