Monday, February 08, 2010

“It only ends once!”

” … Anything that happens before that is just progress!” says a pivotal character in LOST season 5 finale and its pretty much what I hope to become reality as the show is going towards its very end. As you know I’ve been an avid fanatic fan and devote of LOST ever since the show started, but lately I’ve been a bit disappointed in the writers/producers of the show due to the fact that they have done exactly what they had promised not to do and basically lied to the fans in order to keep their loyalty! Now they are delivering on whatever prophecies the cynical critics had predicted from day one instead of their own promises. Something I had come to fear along the path of its labyrinthine seasons. Anyway, I wont go in to details at this stage since I don’t want to spoil it for you and also because I still have a shred of hope left that they will somehow come through this very final season and don’t make me feel completely fooled and betrayed by the end of the show. The following clip is NOT recommended to those who haven’t watched season 5!

In case you are a fan and in need to discuss the show we have had a fun and engaging discussion in the official LOST thread (warning for spoilers!) of our forum. By the way, this show has become such worldwide phenomenon that IRIB (Iran’s state media) is to make its own series officially inspired by LOST! No its not a joke, unfortunately, although it doesn’t take Nostradamus to predict that the result will be!lol ‘Til the day you get to enjoy the Iranian low budget version probably starring Reza Shafie Jam as Jack and Javad Razavian as Sawyer lost on the island of Kish you just have to settle for the original which kicks off again, for the last time tomorrow! If you have missed season 5 and intend to catch up for the final round do hurry and pick up the cleverly deigned and limited edition DVD or Blu-ray set of the season from amazon.

By the way, a fan of the show has designed some really cool posters which I happen to love. They have managed to catch the spirit of the show and represent it with a retro charm. I wouldn’t mind a few of these prints on T-shirts!

For the rest visit his website.