Saturday, August 01, 2009

Watch the Watchmen!

Even though I’ve always been a comic-book geek I had never read Alan Moore’s critically acclaimed Watchmen! Simply because I choose my comic-books based on the artwork and not the story. And while Watchmen’s story is one of the most complex stories written for a graphic novel and ranked by TIME as one of all time greatest novels, I never really liked Dave Gibbons’ POP artwork. It was first after that I had watched the movie adaptation recently that I picked it up and read for a more complete story. As a companion to the movie. Needless to say I absolutely loved the movie and yesterday I watched the Director’s Cut on Blu-ray. Wow, three hours of excellence! Keep in mind that even though it might come across as one this is not a generic super-hero story! Just disguised as one! I highly recommend it, especially if you like complex characters and philosophical dilemmas. If you haven’t watched it yet the DC is the cut you wanna watch. For now, that is! Because in December the ultimate cut with an essential side-story woven in will be released on five discs! Below is the Amazon exclusive set, a miniature “Nite Owl Ship” packaging.