Saturday, August 01, 2009

Much more than a sexy poster!

I’ve owned this movie in more than a year now, purchased solely because of its cover! OF COURSE! hehe! And I was under the impression of it being the kind of teen-movie with next-to-no substance and ambition other than cashing in on its only worth-watching scene depicted on the poster (warning: nudity!). Boy I was wrong! It is a comedy, in a way, but far from merely shallow. Its also something of a philosophical manifest which is mainly, if not only, revealed and realized at a particular stage in life. I personally have gone through a similar one, pondering the details of being, with my own “manifest” written and archived somewhere. I especially relate to the male lead character’s interest in art and thoughts about aesthetics, the female beauty and form in particular. The transitions back and forth between comedy and drama can be a tricky one, but in this case it is pulled off and paved through an amazing soundtrack. I mean Guy Farely has scored this movie, for God’s sake! My absolute favorite soundtrack scorer who doesn’t do less than epic proportions. Overall This movie shows how a clever cover can actually stand for a clever content and not just to cover the lack of it!