Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Man on the Moon

I’ve watched “Moon”. In its barely one and a half hour of running time it has not a single element and twist that we sci-fi fans haven’t seen before, one way or the other. However not like this! In-between its generic sci-fi facade there is a philosophical manifest embedded and hidden. Here is the trailer but WARNING is in order since it spoils the “twist” of the movie!

This is a poetic allegory to life, an answer to the existential question raised by the enlightened man. The inner dialog leading to the revealing of the ultimate truth: who are you and what are you in the grand scheme of things called life? Now that is not an easy topic to take on, let alone answer! Amazingly this rather humble movie does it like few have done in past. “Moon” takes you all the way to the dark side of the moon in order to show you the dark side of life in perspective! A romantic approach to reality. Needless to say is this hidden gem that is getting a discrete release highly recommended, however only to those with an eye for the hidden and a deeper understanding for the profounder meanings. Because on the sci-fi side there is not much new to look at.

“950000 miles from home, the hardest thing to face… is yourself.”