Friday, October 16, 2009

The new Trek did the trick!

So how did the new Star Trek work for me, you might now wonder (you probably wont but lets just pretend you do for the sake of the post!lol). J. J. Abrams has done a hell of job to reinvent Star Trek! He has brought things out of the dark and dusty old sets and given things an exterior. If there is anything a sci-fi scenario provides it is the potential to an unlimited universe and strangely its the first time that Star Trek’s universe is being adequately exhibited and properly explored. Abrams has also given the show’s rather slow pace a jolt and momentum that keeps going all the way through.

However what Abrams’ Star Trek enjoys in terms of visual and stylistic strength it tends to lack in terms of storyline! The story itself is a decent one, however there is a certain termite that consumes it from within (much like a phenomenon in the movie). It seems like Abrams hasn’t really untangled himself from the whole time traveling mess that has plagued his LOST or the alternate reality vision that is taking over his FRINGE (if you are a fan of these shows you will recognize the entire terminology and debate that goes on in this movie)! That having been said this is still a GREAT movie experience (get the limited blu-ray edition above from amazon) and a faithful successor in a line of a long tradition. I still haven’t turned Trekkie though, in case you wonder, but almost! hehe

Abrams’ Star Trek is an excellent lesson in source-respect and consistency for George Lucas to learn from!