Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pourya’s power potion

Like I’ve said before, try to avoid any kind of processed products in your training diet. That means powders, bars and drinks. These were the main reasons for my metabolism going out of function last time, by overloading the body with substance not completely healthy for the body. Resulting in me having to turn vegetarian in more than a year in order to recover my body which couldn’t even handle the lowest levels of protein anymore! So now I go all natural, here is a recipe for a drink I mix for myself:

Ingredients: Oatmeal 1 dl, Cottage cheese 250 g, Sugar-free fruit syrup 1 dl, Mashed linseeds 1 dl, Low fat milk 2 dl, Water 1,5 dl, Fresh or frozen berries 50 g, Pinch of cinnamon

Contains (approximately): Protein 55g, Fat 18g, Carbohydrates 41g, Calories 550 Kcal

Just put all ingredients in a mixer and enjoy the kick!