Friday, January 15, 2010

See you in the next decade!

Since decades back Sweden and some other European countries have shown this classic sketch on new year’s eve. So it is a tradition that I thought sharing with you guys this year. Admittedly its 10 minutes have always got me down and depressed ever since I watched it for the first time at the age of 10! Because even though it is a comedy and meant to cheer people up there is an air of sadness and solitude about its ambiance and characters. Not to mention its title! Perhaps its the black and white that evokes the gloominess in me, and the fact that its everything stands in contrast to what you experience on this night of the year. It basically drags you away from the spectacles outside into a dark dungeon! Anyways, at the risk of projecting my perception on you its worth watching it once in its entirety. Especially those of you residing in America. Have a great night my friends and I see you in the second decade of the 21th century! Happy new year! :D