Saturday, April 21, 2007

The PULSE has dropped!

What’s your BEST concert experience? Mine is a 13-year-old experience from PINK FLOYD’s ”THE PULSE”-tour back in 1994! Before that I didn’t even like Pink Floyd, but my friend who was a HARDCORE fan purchased me a ticket and invited me, so I ”reluctantly” followed him to the stadium that rainy summer evening. But hours later I was converted to a hard-line ”Floydian (as their fans are called)” and a week later a proud owner of a lovely Pink Floyd collection! What a SHOW! An orgy in light, sound and vision! Talk about high Goosebumps factor! This was what I call ”LIVE-experience”!

In 13 years have I waited for this concert to be forever documented on a media in a way that it does the quality of the delivered performance justice. However the 2006 released DVD which was postponed in months due to its mastering does not serve the purpose. The re-editing for the DVD is so carelessly done that it manages to leave out the most important details happening on stage and in the arena! Not to mention the poorly designed DVD package and artwork which does not meet the same quality standard as set by the band’s previous masterpieces! Needless to say Pink Floyd has redefined “album covers” in more than two decades and this is an underachievement! Everything considered its not so strange that the price of DVD was dropped to 2/3, only a few months after the release. Normal you might think, but not in regard to Pink Floyd whose oldest albums and concerts are still till this day sold for full price! Pink Floyd and “sale” have simply never gone hand in hand!

I think I stick to my earlier version on VHS where the A/V-quality might not be that high but the level of experience is!!

One of the 1994 tour shirts!