Friday, January 26, 2007

Prince of Persia, the Movie

The Prince of Persia, one of my all-time favourite GAME characters (and not only because he is Persian! Hehe!) is to be adapted into a motion picture by Disney and the crew behind the Pirates of The Caribbean movies! Unfortunately most computer games-turned into-movies have been failed attempts so far, just as much as movies-turned into-computer games aka licence games! Its as if this whole marriage is unholy and cursed! However I’m truly hopeful about the PoP-movie project since the concept and story of the game-trilogy itself is like a movie to begin with, all required elements provided. Now managed in the hands of such a skilful team with similar projects in their past (though I’m not the biggest fan of the PoC movies) I’m sure that it will be turned into something spectacular! At least I hope so! The casting has not yet been announced though and hopefully we wont see Jude Law or any other blond fellow (nothing against blonds!) inflicted as our brave Persian prince!